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Module1: Artefacts, explore the artefacts, discuss possible uses, set and sort as to who might have used them, question and answer session stimulated by objects


Module 2; Gods, myths, religion, look at the belief system, how it affected Viking society and behaviour.

Activity: Stories


Module 3: To go A Viking, look at the reasons to go a Viking, journeys, Invasion, raids, new settlement.

Activity: make a Viking Long ship


Module 4: Daily Life, Look at typical Viking settlement, everyday tasks for men woman and children,Clothes, food and homes.

Activity: weaving, or dying


Module 5: Arms and Armour, Look at Fighting techniques, invasion, raids, berserkers.

Activity: Archery


Module 6: The Thing (assembly), a look at Viking society how it was run, law and punishment, re-enact a Viking thing, take the parts act out the scenes.


Module 7: Famous Vikings Leif Ericson, King Canute, Harold Haardraade.


Module 8: Sagas and Runes, explore both, write with runes.

Activity: Clay work


Module 9: Trading and selling, look at where they went, what they traded.

Activity: Jewellery making


Module 10: Alfred the Great, Athelstan, Dane geld, the making of England.


The Anglo –Saxons

Module1: Artefacts look at objects, discuss possible uses, set and sort by various criteria, question and answer session stimulated by objects.


Module 2: Daily Life, look at everyday village routines, jobs, food, clothes, who did what.

Activity: Clay works make a pot


Module 3: The thing (assembly), how society was run and ordered, laws crime and punishment.

Activity: drama re-enact a thing


Module 4; Famous people, King Alfred, Athelstan.


Module 5: Writing, Runes, Sagas

Activity: illuminated letters.


Module 6: Design and art, look at examples

Activity: Making jewellery


Module7 :Invasion and settlement effects of arrival in Britain


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